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Demystifying the KonMari Method

Friday, 26 January 2024
15:00 - 16:00 CET / Paris time
invitation-only webinar in English

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Do you really know the KonMari method?​


This approach to tidying is often equated with minimalism, but that's not quite right. Simply put, the KonMari method is guided by tokimeki, or "spark joy", and not the objective of reducing your possessions. It is about intentionally choosing what to keep and valuing it.


What's more, through tidying, you learn to take joy-based decisions in every aspect of your life. Just as you let go of objects that don't spark joy, you can start to let go of activities, habits and thought processes that no longer serve you. In the end, a tidy home is just a benefit.


The webinar, excluding the Q&A, will be recorded and shared with all registered participants.


Come and learn the basics of creating a joy-full home from a certified Japanese KonMari consultant.


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