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I'm a bit of a neat freak and a tidy house gives me peace of mind, you could say it's even a necessity for me. This is already a challenge with 1 child but with 2?! Well, I discovered with Yuri that you can learn to tidy your home so that it is both a warm and well-organised place to live!


Yuri came to my home and was a fantastic ally to help me optimise the process of tidying my home while respecting the *tokimeki* philosophy (only keeping objects that give us the famous SPARK JOY feeling). I called on her to help me prepare for the arrival of our 2nd child, in particular the set-up of the children's bedroom that they will share!


We focused on the accessibility of toys and clothing to encourage the children's autonomy. After our session, my older daughter started to pick her own clothes and, thanks to the KonMari fold, the rest of the clothes stayed in their place in the drawer. Even though she's still learning, I see how this way of storing her things will make our morning routine easier, especially when we have two little ones to dress.


We were also able to optimise the use of space inside and outside of the cupboards, even without much discarding. I still can't believe that now everything fits in the drawers thanks to the Marie Kondo-style folding.


Thank you really, Yuri, for helping me get started and now everything is ready for baby 2. This session was a real pleasure!


Marie is a “Ambassadrice Destination Lac d'Annecy” and you can find her on Instagram @lifeisbetterinannecy.

Yuri Saito et Marie lifeisbetterinannecy
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